A request to the Hong Kong Transport Department
Dear Hong Kong Transport Department - please take steps to slow the speed of the buses on Park Island on the road that runs between the Park Island village and the Kei Wai Primary School. I suggest you install speed humps, or a pedestrian crossing with traffic lights between the school and the Ma Wan village. I am putting you on advance notice of this risk and request here on my blog Living on Park Island, Ma Wan, Hong Kong http://parkislandhongkong.blogspot.com/ PLEASE TAKE THESE SUGGESTED STEPS. IF NOT, SOONER OR LATER, I PREDICT SOMEONE, PROBABLY A CHILD, WILL DIE OR BE SEVERELY INJURED AS A RESULT OF BEING HIT BY A BUS. Hong Kong Transport Department - feel free to post your response here or email me at parkislandproperty@gmail.com . I will also be sending this message directly to the HK transport department at their email address tdenq@td.gov.hk provided on their website http://www.td.gov.hk/en/home/index.html .