Pacific Coffee on Park Island

Pacific Coffee has opened on Park Island! (The photo below is Copyright of "Mark", who posted this on the Park Island Blog earlier today). Pacific Coffee on Park Island The cafe is located in the Park Island Town Square which you walk though just as you get off the ferry. (Is the official name "Shell Square", or am I imagening that?) I must say, the cafe looks really nice, with nice big lounge chairs, and I think it is an excellent edition to the growing number of shops on Park Island. There are some places in HK that I think a Pacific Coffee or a Starbucks should simply not be - Lamma Island is a good example. But for Park Island, and the types of residents we have here I think its fine. I think Pacific Coffee is definately better than Starbucks, but having said that I also think Pacific Coffee is not quite as good as it used to be when it was first established by the ex-pat guy who later sold it (for 200 million I think it was). I will probably keep going ...