Views from Park Island to HK Island

The views from Park Island Ocean facing apartments to Hong Island are stunning, whether in the morning with the sun rising, in the middle of the day, in the evening with the sun shimmering over the ocean as it sets, and at night. You can also see ships, both large and small, as they move across the ocean and off into the distance.

Below are a few photos I captured. You can see HK island in the background.


  1. Do you think there will be a big impact from airplane noise if the 3rd runway is built at the HK International Airport?

  2. The Park Island BloggerJuly 23, 2011 at 1:22 AM

    Hi - I'm not sure what impact a 3rd airport will have. I am quite sensitive to noise, and I must say I find Park Island very quiet and peaceful.

    There are a small number of people who seem very concerned about the risk of a 3rd runway making plane noise, but if the planes take the same flight path as the ones that currently use the first and second runways, then I think it should be no problem.

    As the Hong Kong airport expands, we might get more pilots and cabin crew living on Park Island, which is fine by me :)


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