Weekends on Park Island brings lots of visitors. What do visitors do on Park Island?

On weekends many visitors from other parts of HK come to visit Park Island. Some come by bus, and others take the ferry.

What do visitors do on Park Island?

-They go to one of the beaches and swim, and sunbathe.

-They go to some of the many bars, restaurants or cafes. Especially popular are the ones that face out over the beach.

-They visit some of the parks and nature reserves on Park Island, or go hiking.

-Some will bring their dogs, and let their dogs run free on some of the beaches designated as "dog beaches" where dogs are allowed to run freely.

-Spa and massage - Park Island has some top end spas, where a massage will cost you around HKD $700. On the village in Ma Wan, you can get traditional foot massages for around HKD $80 an hour.

-Seafood - thoes in the know, will visit one of the many local Chinese resataurants in the village part of the island. The crabs, seafood, steamed fish, shrimps, etc are all excellent.

-Visit Noah's Ark. This theme park is suprisingly popular among visitors with children.

-Buy property on Park Island. Some visitors come over specifically looking to invest in property, or to rent apartments. Some, who are visiting Park Island for the first time like it so much that they immediately become interested in buying an apartment there.

-On weekends, Park Island also sometimes has a local arts and crafts market.


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