Park Island price chart for last 2 years

Price Graph for Park Island, Ma Wan, Hong Kong
This chart shows prices for Park Island per square foot, from January 2010 to March 2012. As you can see, prices stopped rising for the last 9 months of 2011 (staying at around $5500 psf), and transaction volume fell during the last 6 months of 2011.

See this comment on Hong Kong Property Prices I made last year for a more detailed explanation of what lead to the stablizing in prices and the decline in transaction volume in 2011.

So far in 2012, it seems prices have started to pick up again, as well as transaction volume, although I am not sure yet if this is a short term effect due to the Anacapri launch or not. Let's see. I still think my predictions in the article referred to above will be correct.


  1. Can you do a price chart for just phases 1 to 5 ?

    My guess is the increase in average price per square foot in the last couple of months will be missing if the more expensive Ana Capri flats are excluded.

    1. Good point. Yes, I will do a price chart for Park Island Phases 1 to 5. I will try to get it up on the Park Island website later this week. Bear in mind, some readers are not overly interested in discussion onPark Island property prices and don't want the site dominated by pricing information. But yes, I will post up the data you have suggested shortly.

  2. It is understandable that there are those who would want to hear about other developments in PI. As for prices, I think most people would have some interest if not just passing interest. When we love living in the place, we have a natural interest in seeing the value grow but I can also see from the renter's viewpoint that it would mean higher rents, but hey it is still way cheaper than anywhere in HK Island (with the same quality/facility). Speaking to people in property business, the general trend is up and Park Island would be no exception, while maintaining excellent long term potential. So it is good that you keep us and others updated. I await your next instalment which is always refreshing whether it relates to prices or otherwise.

    1. Thanks, yes this is my view as well. At the gym today someone made the exact same point to me.

  3. Actually Park Island is the first place I have ever lived that is shown on a banknote. Two in fact, both the $100s from HSBC and BOC. Great for showing young relatives in other countries.

  4. Wow - is that really true? I didn't realize that. I'll try and post up a photo of the notes. If you happen to have copies please send these to me at

  5. Indeed it is true that Park Island is featured in both HSBC and BOC $100 banknote, both on the reverse side. HSBC version (production years 2003-2009) showed PI with a few blocks only. BOC version (production years 2003-2009) show more Tsing Ma bridge prominently and PI at the background. Will try and scan later.

  6. that uptick in the most recent period seems to be missing from centadata, from the actual figures it looks like there has been little or no gains on PI for years....


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