
Park Island property prices.

"What's the Hong Kong property market going to do"? That of course is the question everyone wants to know. And if we did know, we could of course all be very rich! No one can predict with 100% accuracy what the market will do. But what we can do with 100% certainty is look at historical data. The graph below shows Park Island apartment prices over the last year. Park Island Property Prices The line in blue is the average price per square foot for Park Island apartments, plotted on a weekly basis over the past year. And line in red is the 12 month moving average line. Those who argue that "the market has turned" will point to the apparent decline in prices for transactions over the last few weeks (as shown by the last dip in the blue line). On the other hand, others will argue that the rate of price increases has been steady and constant over the year (as shown by the constant rise upwards of the red line). My own view is that we are in for continued lo

Views from Park Island to HK Island

The views from Park Island Ocean facing apartments to Hong Island are stunning, whether in the morning with the sun rising, in the middle of the day, in the evening with the sun shimmering over the ocean as it sets, and at night. You can also see ships, both large and small, as they move across the ocean and off into the distance. Below are a few photos I captured. You can see HK island in the background.

Pacific Coffee on Park Island

Pacific Coffee has opened on Park Island! (The photo below is Copyright of "Mark", who posted this on the Park Island Blog earlier today). Pacific Coffee on Park Island The cafe is located in the Park Island Town Square which you walk though just as you get off the ferry. (Is the official name "Shell Square", or am I imagening that?) I must say, the cafe looks really nice, with nice big lounge chairs, and I think it is an excellent edition to the growing number of shops on Park Island. There are some places in HK that I think a Pacific Coffee or a Starbucks should simply not be - Lamma Island is a good example. But for Park Island, and the types of residents we have here I think its fine. I think Pacific Coffee is definately better than Starbucks, but having said that I also think Pacific Coffee is not quite as good as it used to be when it was first established by the ex-pat guy who later sold it (for 200 million I think it was). I will probably keep going

Photo of a Park Island apartment lobby

This photo of a typical Park Island lobby will only really be of interest for someone who has not yet been to Park Island but is considering living there. Pretty nice huh? The Park Island lobbies also have nice lounge areas, which can be used if you are waiting for friends to come down from their apartments and join you downstairs, or if you want to enjoy a bit of aircon before going into the lift. The lifts themselves are modern and fast.

The Park Island Facebook Group

There is a facebook Group for Park Island, called "The Ma Wan Network". It looks like it well become a great resource for Park Island expats, and the Ma Wan community in general. Take a look at the current group members, which seems to quite accurately changing profile of Park Island residents currently underway. The stated aim of the Park Island facebook group is "to keep you up to date with what is happening on the island, what is available on Ma Wan, group activities and Park Island news". Details: Name - The Ma Wan Network. Email - Website -

Park Island Blog Statistics

Its always interesting to see what blog pages were most popular over the last week, based on the data provided by Last week, this page received the most hits of all pages on the Park Island website: Interesting that the temperature in HK has also been at its hottest during this time period :)

Under the (Ma Wan) Tsing Ma bridge, down by the sea...

"...on a blanket with my Baby - that's where I'll be..." Or at least that where I was until she got bitten by a mosquito :) Here are some pics taken of the bridge the goes over Ma Wan. Most people from Park Island never venture this far across the island, but its actually quite a fun walk.  Under the Tsing Ma Bridge on Ma Wan  Tsing Ma Bridge